อยากให้เพิ่มคอร์สอบรมกม.บุคคลากรเฉพาะ จากคุณ : จป. + สิ่งแวดล้อม [ 7/5/2551] อยากให้เพิ่มการอบรมเรื่องกม.ใหม่(บุคคลกรเฉพาะ)หลายๆรุ่นค่ะ เพราะว่าสถานประกอบกิจการที่มีวัตถุอันตรายคงอยากเข้าอบรมด้วยทั้งนั้นค่ะ เพื่อเป็นความรู้และเป็นแนวทางในการปฏิบัติในอนาคตด้วย คอร์สเดียวคงไม่เพียงพอต่อจำนวนสถานประกอบการที่ต้องการเข้าร่วมค่ะ |
จากคุณ : T [13/5/2551 8:53:32]
ติดต่อคุณนิตยา หรือ คุณนงคราญ หรือ คุณปานทอง เลยครับ |
จากคุณ : alvolante [21/10/2558 12:37:25]
Science souring on sugar Every day, at four or five o'clock in the morning for our daily exercise and pleasure we walk to a clinical center located 2 3 km from our houses.We make a round trip.During our by steps advancing we discuss about how bad, from a medical point of view, we are;About different current medical topics;The causes and origins of diseases;Nowadays political situation;Kinds of social discrimination;The world political and economical situation, the history of human kind;Sexology and sexploitation;Virtual reality;New technologies of information and communication and their influence in health and educational sectors;Periodic scientific publications;World wars and their global impact;Art and literature;Legendary world historical popular figures and events;Chronic and infectious diseases;We gossip over village most named people on january we have spoken about obesity pandemic and its social economical and political consequences. The last century seventies were characterized not only for the becoming of a new revolutionary era as a logical result of introduction, at daily practice, of new powerful electronic tools, but also by the people's conclusion, around the world, that we must look obesity as a disease.From middle ages we always had been obesity as a power, beauty and wealth symbol.It was proposed excessive energy intake as the main possible cause of that disease.People began to lower the calories ingestion or daily to use new synthetic sweeteners.Those seventies were a time of profound economical depression for sugar industry.It was an enough decline in sales of sugar products.The glory days of those products have begun to pass to the story.That decade may someday be regarded as a bad milestone for the sugar industry.It may be remembered as the beginning of the decadence in sugar consumption by people.We were witnesses of that radical change and we have watched it as a gardener watches the death of all worms and parasites that don't allow the growth of his favorite precious plant.Of course from our daily classes we began to contribute to promote that necessary for health, change as the said gardener contributes to the development of his favorite plant. The obesity problem is not only connected with the excessive sugar consumption but also with the extreme and immoderate ingestion of several rich in starch foods.In several poor countries people not only are sugarized, but also they are cerealized, and platanized.Eating habits of poor people are greatly influenced by the low level of their daily salary wage.Because they are very cheap, people eat too much rich in carbohydrates food, cereals and platano the plane tree fruit.Over the last forty years, fast street rich in carbohydrates food, prepared with those mentioned before plants, has infiltrated every place, every nook and cranny of our contemporary society.In colombia, that cheapest form of food is now served at several places, at elementary, basic, middle and high school, from the first street of each city to the last one;At commercial centers, on omnibuses, airplanes, motorcycles;At the inner or out the clinical and hospital cafeterias, even in our health's faculty. From a medical point of view we can define carbohydrates as a chemical form of energy used by human beings for doing the necessary work for living.They are produced at green plants parenchyma as a result of photosynthesis.Popularly speaking we can say that carbohydrates are the chemical form as radiant solar energy is naturally transformed in the cell parenchyma of green plants.They are a kind of energy.In our body it must be transduced in the mitochondria to the energetic coin of the cell atp.If the chemical energy of carbohydrates is not transformed in atp it will undergo changes which at last are the root of several infectious and chronic diseases. Cereal seeds and platano fruit have a high composition of a carbohydrates mixture commonly called starch.It is composed of several compounds and contains five classes of carbohydrates.Its qualitative and quantitative composition can be measured at lab.A mixture is different from another starch.The only difference is related with the quantitative composition of each starch class.We can determine it at lab.For that, its necessary to quantitatively measure the concentration of carbohydrates of first, second, third, fourth and fifth orders.There is a lab method for each class.The first order carbohydrates are monosaccharides, disaccharides and trisaccharides.Second class are called oligosaccharides, to that group belong low molecular polymers of 4 10 monosaccharides.Carbohydrates with 11 100 structural monomers are called dextrins;They form the third class.The principal components of fourth class carbohydrates are lineal polysaccharides with more than 100 monosaccharide residues.In the last one group are highest molecular weight ramified polymers. In animals there is a similar starch form of stored carbohydrates.That mixture is called glycogen;At lab for studying its quantitative composition we use the same procedure as for starch.Both have a compact structure, but they are a mixture of several compounds.When those mixtures of polymers enter to the body they are digested by its most active enzymes amylases.The consecutive action of salivary amylase and the pancreatic one mainly produce disaccharides and trisaccharides.The latter are converted to monosaccharides by specific intestinal saccharidases.The net result is the almost complete conversion to monosaccharides, which are converted to several products or else oxidized by similar to glucose catabolic pathways in body cells. Oxidation of glucose at first, produces the so called for us activated fuel molecules.Under aerobic conditions they enter to mitochondria and finally they are converted to atp.The activation of fuel molecules occurs at cell cytoplasm.There, glucose is converted to pyruvate, an active molecule.The activation of fuel molecules not only occurs in our body cells, but also, in controlled industrial conditions.In the alcoholic beverages industry, glucose can be converted in other most active than pyruvate fuel molecules, as for instance ethanol, in a process commonly called alcoholic fermentation.So, under normal body conditions the final products of ethanol and pyruvate are the same.For that reason, as in the case of alcoholic beverage containers, it is necessary by law, to promote the use of carbohydrate warning labels in sugar and starch rich foods containers sold around the world.Each label must have several messages that warn about the hazards of eating high quantity of carbohydrates, and about how eating a lot of sugar and starch rich foods may cause health problems. |
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